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Polished beauty over the years

Nachi Black Stone in dignified black


It used to be common to go on a pilgrimage to tl1c three Crand Shrines of Kumano, but there would have been a lot of diffieulties involved. Pilgrims in the olden days are said lo have brought back an amulet from their long journey in the form of a Naehi Blaek Stone rounded by the flow of the river. They must have felt the determination and powerfulness of the stone to eliminate difficulties through the way its blaekness and lustre beeome more intense as it is polished. This story of the Naehi Black Stone, whieh is loved as an amulet, has beeome the motif in the design of the jewellery pieee named NACHT, meaning'night'in German. A clear shine and texture that is gentle to the skin are eharaeteristies of delieate slate We only use stones produced in Kumano, Mie

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